Saturday, November 11, 2017

Veterans' Day Observance

Deb held the Israeli flag in the EEC's participation at Liberty Memorial for Veterans' Day.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Israeli game night

We sponsored a board game night at the JCC (we were in the Social Hall) with light refreshments, kids' games (although there were no children), Hebrew Scrabble, and Jerusalem Monopoly.  We also had a jigsaw puzzle, but it wasn't used.

(Yes, there are some spelling mistakes)

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Jewish CultureFest

We did Israeli dessert for the Jewish CultureFest (formerly the Jewish Arts Festival):  malabi, halvah and marzipan.  Thanks to Vicki for the great sign.
We made our malabi base from coconut milk, had the choice of two syrups (made from scratch) - pomegranate or lemon, and a choice of three toppings:  peanuts, coconut or pistacios.  It was a big hit.
We sold out of the cute marzipan (it looks like a loaf of challah, but it's the size of a candy bar) and the chocolate halvah.  I think we figured out a good plan for this festival. 

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Raymore, MO Cub Scouts

The Raymore Cub Scouts had a little ethnic fair, and invited the Ethnic Enrichment Commission.  Deb brought our craft table with coloring pages, maps and easy-to-read brochures about Israel.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Ethnic Enrichment Festival - 18-20 Aug 2017

The festival again attracted a large crowd, but luckily for us, it wasn't a new record:  45,000 people.  Our booth was easily seen from all spots in the festival, and the flags flew proudly.

Yes, the shelves really are level.

Really.  If only the booth studs were plumb!

And our front counter is also level.  Crazy, huh?  Thanks to Dick and his handy level.
The inside of the booth with many things unpacked, but not yet in operational condition.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Yom HaAtzmaut at Jewish Community Center

Israel Spirit made the food for Yom HaAtzmaut (Israel's independence day) again this year.  We had falafel with two salads and sauces, fish sticks, Bamba, potato chips, pop and halvah.  We broke even on the money and will donate our overage to a charity in Israel.  Here are photos of some of the wonderful volunteers:

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Asian Festival

Deb brought the Israel Spirit table (for half the day), and the Tikvah dancers performed twice.  TJ and Erin stopped by to keep Deb company for a while.  This is a big festival.
Poster from last year's festival photos

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Kansas City, KS Ethnic Festival

Sheila brought the Israel Spirit craft table and the Tikvah dancers performed.
Tikvah performance
Public dancing invitation

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Diplomatic Ball

The EEC Diplomatic Ball, "The Friendship of Asia," was hosted this year by Philippines, Vietnam, Republic of China, Laos and Malaysia.  Deb, TJ, Erin and Ying attended for Israel.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Northland Ethnic Festival

Sheila, Erin and TJ made and sold our famous lentil soup in the food zone at the Northland festival, and the Tikvah dancers performed.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Film reception

There was a nice turnout for the film, and people enjoyed the dessert reception we prepared:  halvah, dates filled with almonds & honey, Israeli biscotti (with apricots, dates, walnuts, almonds and sesame).  We also had hot water with instant Israeli coffee and teas, which is how receptions are often handled in Israel.

Deb got to tell what the Israel Spirit Committee does before the movie started.  How about the new ISC polo shirts?

Movie guests enjoying our dessert reception

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Film: "In Search of Israeli Cuisine"

Please come to the Jewish Film Festival.  Israel Spirit is sponsoring the first night of the films on Sunday, 8 January 2017 at 6:30 pm.  We will be providing a complimentary kosher, parve dessert reception after the film.