Friday, November 11, 2016

Veterans' Day Observance

Efi attended the Veterans' Day observance at Liberty Memorial and held the flag.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Independence Ethnic Festival

Deb and Sheila attended the Independence, MO event again this year and brought the craft table.  Lupe Moe (EEC-Samoa) was kind enough to loan us a pop-up tent so that we could sit in the shade.

We had products, for the first time, from Lev HaOlam (Heart of the World) made by craftsman in Samaria:  jewelry, artisan soaps, and very cool pomegranate trivets.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

2016 Ethnic Enrichment Festival

Well, we did it again.  The Ethnic Enrichment Festival attracted 30,000 paid adults (kids are free).  That's a lot of people and more than last year's record attendance (27,000 paid adults).  Wow.  Weather was just about perfect after the storm on Friday night (which actually closed the festival at 8:30 pm).  We had lots of wonderful volunteers who brought a valuable variety of skills to pull off that outreach event.  Thank you to everyone!
Here's our booth with the flags flying.

Efi made the Israel sign for the EEF signpost

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Donation from Yom HaAtzmaut

We were able to donate money from our overage from the Yom HaAtzmaut food to Manhigut Yehudit, which will provide Passover care packages to the poor in Israel.

Monday, June 27, 2016

New Commissioner

Efi Kamara was sworn in as the Alternate Commissioner for Israel at the Ethnic Enrichment Commission meeting on 23 June 2016.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Yom HaAtzmaut

Yom HaAtzmaut (Israel's Independence Day) was celebrated again this year at Kehilath Israel Synagogue, and Israel Spirit hosted the food again.  We had a great turn-out and sold out of our food:  falafel, cabbage salad, Israeli salad, harissa, tahini sauce, Bamba, potato chips, fish sticks, chocolate spread and pita. We also sold some Dead Sea products at a craft table (thank you Sue Ellen).  Shiran brought in two performers from Israel (Yaniv Harel) and had lots of activities for children.

The kitchen chiefs:  R. Segal (Vaad HaKashrut) and Deb
The food tickets:  Erin and Shiran's mom (from Israel) 
The servers:  Alan, Larry and Leah
Other helpers:  Joe
Thanks also to Nissim, Sheila, Charles, Jake, Susan, Tiffany, Deb, Katie (please forgive me - I must have forgotten people!).  The food was great, people enjoyed it, we broke even on costs, and we hope to host the food again next year.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

People to People event at Union Station

This was the first People to People event for grade school and high school students at Union Station.  Sue Ellen, Orit and Shiran went on Tuesday, 4/12/16 and worked with high school students   Orit had quiz questions prepared, and they gave away lots of our "I love Israel" buttons.  350 high school students were in attendance that day.  Lots of great visibility for Israel at this event.

Deb and Sheila went on Wednesday, 4/13/16. 632 grade school students from 10 schools attended. They did Hebrew names for the kids in their passports.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Northland Festival

We made lentil soup again, and it was a big hit.  The Tikvah Dancers performed.  We weren't able to have a craft/info table this year.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Jewish Film Festival - "Above and Beyond"

Israel Spirit was one of the sponsors of the "Above and Beyond" film, which was about American flyers and the amazing story of getting aircraft to the new state of Israel in 1948.  We had a table at the film to show people what we typically do for outreach.
If you missed the Jewish film festival, "Above and Beyond" is available on Netflix.