Monday, December 2, 2019

Belinder Elementary School event

Deb shared a little about Israel with about 400 elementary school students at Belinder Elementary in Prairie Village, including teaching them to dance to Nodaleti LaShalom.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Park University International Festival

Israel Spirit participated for the first time in Park University's International Festival, which is held in their Park Underground facility (part of Kansas City's extensive subterranean business space).  Deb was a little lost in the caves, but a nice person from Distance Education got her pointed in the right direction.  Israel had an information/craft table, and Deb told some "Chelm" stories as a performance.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Outreach at Hale-Cook School

Deb shared Israel with an afterschool program in Kansas City.  She showed a ppt presentation geared for 1-6 grades, brought coloring pages (of a bee with apples and honey), and taught them how to dance Nodalati Lashalom (נודלתי לשלום).  There were 25 students.
This is the space in the library where Deb showed the ppt and taught the dance.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Ethnic Enrichment Festival

We changed the booth format and the menu this year to accomodate our volunteers.  We dropped falafel from the menu and added malabi.  Our craft and passport area was much better and on the platform.  Attendance at the festival was a little more than last year, so it's more than 45,000 attendees!  Deb was interviewed on Fox4 on Friday morning and gave Matt Stewart a taste of the malabi and halvah during the spot.  BTW - he loved them.

The food prep half of the booth

Deb carried the flag this year in the Parade of Flags.  However, some time Saturday night our flag was stolen.  At least it was seen spotted flying proudly, but the Ethnic Enrichment Commission had to replace our large flag.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Teddy Bear Picnic

Deb helped at the Teddy Bear Picnic again.  This is a charming event for young children.

EEC helpers from left:  Milan (Norway), Melinda (Parks & Rec), Deb, Kathleen (Jamaica), Pete (EEC Office)

Monday, May 27, 2019

Memorial Day at Liberty Memorial

Deb held the Israeli flag at the annual Memorial Day event at Liberty Memorial.  Sorry, no photos this time.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Jewish Film Festival

Israel Spirit will again be sponsoring a film at the Jewish Film Festival (starts tonight).  Our film, "Comedy Road" airs after the Yom HaAtzmaut celebration on the evening of 8 May 2019.  It's an absolutely fun documentary about a group of American comics on their first trip to Israel.  

Saturday, April 13, 2019

KCKCC Ethnic Fair

Deb and Maria brought the Israel table to the annual KCKCC festival.  We actually sold a few things and talked to lots of people.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Brookside St. Patrick's Day Parade

Deb represented Israel on the Ethnic Enrichment Commission's float for the Brookside parade.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Chouteau Elementary Culture Day

Deb participated with several other Ethnic Enrichment Commissioners at the Chouteau Elementary's Culture Day.  She brought a culture box table and did storytelling in 30-minute sessions.
Kindergarten (two sessions): Where the Wild Things Are, Something from Nothing, Fourth Grade (two sessions):  "The Magic Leaf", "Firefighting in Chelm", Third Grade (one session):  "Firefighting in Chelm", "The Window Shutters of Chelm". 

The kids sat on the mat in the background of the photo, and looked at the photos of Israel on the table.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Lee's Summit MLK Celebration

Deb brought the Israel craft table to the Martin Luther King, Jr. observance to the Lee's Summit event.